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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Where Do We Go From Here?

To the left, or to the right.

That’s the debate being waged in liberal circles these days as we are trying to figure out how to “right the ship” and rebound after loosing the last two presidential elections. A lot of people are arguing that we need to embrace the middle ground and try to capture some of that moderate right vote – the people who may not be comfortable with the James Dobson’s and Pat Robertson’s and all the influence that they wield in the Republican Party these days. And, I agree we need to reach out to those people, but I don’t think we should do it by trying to embrace the “rights” policies. I think we need to do it by articulating our own policies. If we need to move more to the right, what does that say about all the issues that we’ve fought for and believed in for the last century?

That we’re wrong?

Now, I know some people out there would say that’s exactly it – we’re wrong, but think about that for a second. Is what we stand for wrong? What do we stand for? Equality; Tolerance; Freedom; Personal Liberty; Equal Opportunity. Those aren’t bad things. Those aren’t things I want to throw away just to pick up a few votes. I’m not willing to compromise on those issues because, THOSE issues aren’t mine to compromise on. They are fundamental human rights! You don’t get rid of equal opportunity to control the White House. You don’t trade away Civil Liberties to control the Senate. You can’t negotiate with those things because they are non-negotiable.

The problem isn’t our ideals; it’s our lack of cohesion. Right now we don’t have two equal combatants in this market place of ideas. You have a well funded, well organized “radical right” that’s spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to shape the messages we hear every day. Then you have a group of really smart and really smug individuals who all think they each have the right answer to the worlds problems – and if you don’t share their answer your just as bad as the idiot in the White House.

That’s the attitude we need to stop.

We need to start compromising, but it needs to be with each other not with “the right.” We need to come together and form a cohesive unit and realize that while I may not agree with everything you say, by working together we will be a lot better off than we would be alone. By working together we will be a lot stronger than we ever could be as individuals.

And we need to start now!

We can’t afford to waste any time. We need to use every opportunity we have to get our message across.

We need to come together, we need to work together and we need to go on the offensive. We need to quit being so timid that we’re even afraid of being called liberal. When they call us a “tax and spend” liberal, ask them what they are – a “big deficit” conservative?

When they say “You’re pro-abortion” tell them that no one is “pro- abortion” and ask what they are doing to cut down on the need to have abortions. Ask them to join you in supporting real sex education and access to birth control. If they’re not willing to do that, ask them who is perpetuating the abortion industry now.

When they say “You’re being divisive” tell them hell yeah you’re being divisive because it’s not your job to support stupid policies. It’s not your job to sale your kids down the river so that Bernie Ebbers and Ken Lay and Dick Cheney can all get richer off of their backs.

And when they say “Your being unpatriotic” because you question the president” remind that America was founded by people who disagreed with their government. What could be more patriotic than that?

We NEED to stand together now and just say NO. We need to tell the radical right that we are not buying the bill of goods their trying to sell anymore. Now is the time for us to be Churchill and not Chamberlain.

We don’t need to move to the right.
We are Right.

cross posted at (The Cranky Liberal)

Posted by The Bastard at 07:27 PM in Politics | Permalink


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» Where Do We Go From Here? from The Cranky Liberal Pages
To the left, or to the right. That’s the debate being waged in liberal circles these days as we are trying to figure out how to “right the ship” and rebound after loosing the last two presidential elections. A lot of people are arguing that w... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 22, 2005 8:28:06 PM

» Where Do We Go From Here? from the united american party
Message heard loud and clear. But I think you need to get the Minority Whip on the phone because just this morning on NPR he said that when they voted over the weekend the instruction to the party was to vote their feelings not the party line. All well... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 22, 2005 8:49:07 PM


You're absolutely right! We need to stand together in enough numbers to command attention. But we need an issue we can leverage. We think Iraq is that issue. Thirty organizations are sponsoring on online protest at PeaceNotPoverty.org. Check it out!

Posted by: Brian | Mar 22, 2005 8:04:56 PM

Brian, thats good to know. The war is certainly part of it, but it can't be our only issue. As we saw during the last election, the war is not going to persuade enough people that we are right. We need to hammer home a comprehensive theme of Freedom, Equality and Opportunity - the very values most people claim to hold as the most important.

We also need to be careful how we use the war effort. Karl Rove and his band of reichwingers led us into a horrible sittuation under false pretext. However, and this is a big however, we NEED Iraq to be a sucess. Not for Bush, but inspite of him. We cannot in good conscience abandon a nation to anarchy and strife. We made the mess, and now we need to demand that is cleaned up responsibly. Peace is the answer, but we need to work to secure that peace - something up till now George and company have failed to do well.

For the sake of our soldiers and their citizens, lets hope that situation changes.

Posted by: The Cranky Liberal | Mar 22, 2005 8:26:43 PM

Message heard loud and clear. But I think you need to get the Minority Whip on the phone because just this morning on NPR he said that when they voted over the weekend the instruction to the party was to vote their feelings not the party line. All well and good but thats why you ended up with the lop sided vote that you saw. The Democratic party lacks effective leadership.

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 22, 2005 8:41:31 PM

How about me for minority whip. Sounds kind of fun ;)

Hell majority whip for that matter.

Posted by: The Cranky Liberal | Mar 22, 2005 9:03:57 PM

Will you wear a leather mask like Frist does and allow us to walk you around on a leash like Karl Rove does to the rest of the Republican party?

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 22, 2005 9:07:51 PM

I would never presume to ask anyone away from their principles, but as a person whose been left by the Republican Party, I would suggest that there is a big center for the taking that believes in a small government with limited reach. If I have to choose between big government conservatives and big government liberals, I'll write in McCain again in 2008 like I did in 2000. I guess my question as a moderate is given the values of equal opportunity, freedom of choice (lots of kinds of choices,) and the civil liberties enumerated in the bill of rights (all 10,) and an honest days pay for an honest day's work- is the left open to discussion about how much government we want to apply to those values. The Republican Party left me and a lot of other Americans, but if the only restraint on Democrats is that they're out of power, I don't like the prospects there either.

Posted by: Doug | Mar 22, 2005 9:32:01 PM

Though I'm a conservative...I have to applaud you on this. Don't let go of your beliefs. The answer is not moving to the right for you guys. Despite what many think of me...I have a little liberal streak beneath. Articulation is important...but don't just chase fancy words that hide the true nature. That is just a warning.

Everything said up there was good...Until this election after 911 I considered myself independent. I wasn't interested in politics. I moved to the right just recently. But don't be down on me...I have my reasons...and right now, I would probably have a hard time articulating why to liberals. Ignore that for now. I have another little bit of advice.

#1. There is a lot of middle ground the left and right can meet on. Don't follow your party blindly, and don't follow the bandwagon. Believe what you believe as an individual. Don't get a herd mentality. Don't be stubborn. Try to find ways to compromise with the right.

#2. Tone down on the secularizm. Moral issues were a major reason you guys lost. Most Americans, whether you like it or not, believe in Christian morals. Tread carefully, and articulate yourself softly when talking about the separation of church and state myth.

#3. Don't come off as un-patriotic. I have to say that in this war you guys have done a lot better job at supporting the troops and keeping them seperate from the administration...I think you guys learned the lesson from Viet Nam. But...there is an anti-American un-patriotic tone out there that some liberals can't resist.

#4. Start pushing things to reduce abortion. Like said above...nobody is pro-abortion. Don't rely on the right to do it...you do it. Here comes the liberal streak...I agree that contraceptives should be given in schools. I'm still all about teaching abstinance as the main thing, but thanks to president Clinton, many kid's who save theirselves for marraige think it is o.k. to have oral sex, and anal. They don't count that.

#5. I don't know what to tell you to do about this while you search for articulation, but to many Americans it looks bad that when many liberals are against the death penalty for criminals, but for abortion, and "right to die" crap. It just looks hypocritical and like you are on the wrong side...supporting the criminal and killing the innocent. You might want to work on that.

Hope my advice helps. Gotta run, Jay

Posted by: Jay | Mar 22, 2005 10:00:01 PM

I agree with what you just said Doug, but McCain? He's a wolf in sheeps clothing. Just the fact that his bill with Feingold created holes in voting reform that you could drive a truck through and now he' looking to censor freedom of speech would lead me to wonder whether he is really the "average Joe" evryone thinks he is.

The best advice I've heard in a long time is found on a blog called Common Sense where all Ken is asking is for people to unregister with their parties. Show them we are not happy by hacking away at the rank and file. Reduce the membership numbers and the parties, both parties, will bow to the will of the people.

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 22, 2005 10:00:04 PM

OK, Jay, you should probably know that "oral doesn't count" goes back at least as far as the Reagan administration, when I first tried the line. I don't think I was first, either. Not sure about Anal. I guess that might be Clinton's fault.

TB, it depends on what you call a wolf. As I think I mentioned, my politics haven't changed. It just seems that I can't call them conservative anymore. I still think we have too many government programs and too much regulation. Actually, I'm lately seeing McCain as more of a sheep in Wolf's clothing as he prepares for '08.

Posted by: Doug | Mar 22, 2005 11:03:01 PM

I couldn't agree more...
in my "twisted" thinking, i thought supporting the troops also included NOT abusing the fact that they are there...
and that in a "culture of life" society, everyone has equal rights, access to health insurance, access to good public education, etc.
But those are just my sh*tty liberal views. People don't have the first clue what Liberalism is, let alone what a liberla stands for-a problem in and of itself.
Have a good one!

Posted by: woodenshoe | Mar 22, 2005 11:43:22 PM

I agree completely with your general sentiment, you bastard.

Unfortunately, I have no hope that anyone will mobilize effectively any time soon against this world nightmare. What will it take that hasn't already happened?

Disregard for the majority of human beings living on this planet? Africa's been a killing field on the scale of a web-based shooter for a decade; the deaths in Iraq hit closer to home and still haven't moved enough people away from their televisions; environmental degradation and the erosion of personal liberties don't make a blip in our culture of fear. . . .

Our only hope is the coming real estate crash. When we experience the market convergence of our insane deficit and neglected dollar, when interest rates hit that tipping point and the refinancing mania causes mortgage default on a rippling scale, there will finally come a moment.

It will only be the coming time when many of our neighbors, friends and relatives are forced to live on the streets that we will take to the streets.

Until then, we're all just polishing our chops -- these will be our talking points while we're building our own remotes with whoever still owns their attached garage.

In the meantime, we might as well try to ride the bus to DC and take a shit in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Posted by: malefactor | Mar 23, 2005 2:02:12 AM

Good points! Unfortunately due to security measures I don't think you can get near the middle of Pennsylvania Ave.

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 23, 2005 2:16:47 AM

Great Post. The thing that progressive leaders have to remember is that ideals don't conveniently move one way or another depending on public opinion polls. The ideals that we on the left stand for cannot be put aside to appeal to voters who do not stand with us. We need to do a better job of convincing people that we are right, and that there is a better way.
Those in the center will vote with us when they see that we are working to make a better life for poor workers, that we are working to end homelessness, and to make college affordable. Finding a wedge issue may help win an election, but will it really lead to any type of social change?
We stand for something, remember that next time you are asked about whether or not we need to shift to the center.

Posted by: moose | Mar 23, 2005 4:37:42 AM

Righting the ship...the infighting as to what needs to be done will not be ending soon. Even finding a new chairman for the Democratic National Party wasn't easy! I wonder can we be cohesive enough to nominate the next President?

Posted by: sally | Mar 23, 2005 10:33:10 PM

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