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Thursday, December 29, 2005
From The First to The Fourth Amendments; The Constitution Rules
I thought I would continue The Christmas Wars. No, if I never hear about any holiday, secular or not, again I will be very happy. And I have banned certain words from my vocabula
I want to briefly talk about Judge Jones and the Intelligent Design decison. No, I don't. I want to gloat over it. Why? Several months back I wrote a post that used very similiar reasoning to Judge Jones's.
Why when we at Bring it on! have been saying this since we began am I bringing this up now? Because many radical Christian Rightists still don't get it. It's simple; it's the Amendment that guarantees the most basic of rights, the right to practice or not practice a religion, and never have to worry that a state religion will be formed, and also and equal, guarantees freedom of speech.
That's the first time I have ever quoted myself. I explained how faith is untestable. No matter how much you want to believe that something bigger than us created the universe, nobody is able to test faith.
It's easy to test one type of faith: Faith in ones ability to do something. I have faith that I will cross the street without being killed. If I'm not, I have prove my hypothesis. But the type of faith that proponents of Intelligent Design believe in is simply not testable.
Here's Judge Jones;
To be sure, Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. However, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable alternative hypothesis grounded in religion into the science classroom or to misrepresent well-established scientific propositions.
If you haven't read Judge Jones decision; I have linked it. Okay I have gloated enough.
I found an article in Foxnews.com that blew me away. Yes, really. Fox or as we like to call it here Faux News. It's by Martin Frost, former Democratic Congressman from Dallas/Fort Worth He was in Congress for 26 years, and isn't faux anything.
Recently I have been trying to figure out who President Bush reminded me of.
Was it Richard Nixon with his willingness to break the law to hold onto the presidency? Was it FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who bugged Martin Luther King Jr. and anyone he considered to be a political enemy?
And then it struck me. President Bush most closely resembles King George III of England. You remember him -- he’s the guy whose high-handed rule led to the American Revolution.
Frost reread The Constitution; he's a lawyer, was a Fellow at the Institute of Politics, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and was a Congressman for a long time. When he talks about the Fourth Amendment I will listen:
Now the "new King George" would have us believe one of three things: (1) the president’s powers as commander-in-chief supersede the fourth amendment during the war on terror (2) the resolution adopted by Congress shortly after the 9/11 attack can be read to give the president the authority to conduct domestic wiretaps against American citizens without going to court to seek a warrant and (3) modern technology is such that the founding fathers could never have anticipated the need to conduct wiretaps without a warrant.
Let's see Frost debase these arguments:
First, it takes a very broad reading of the commander-in-chief clause to justify any conduct as superseding the constitution. President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus during the U.S. Civil War, an action that was very controversial at the time; it is hard to equate the ongoing war on terror with the American Civil War, which threatened the very existence of the Republic.
Second, I was a member of Congress when we passed the resolution giving the president the authority to use all force necessary against the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. Congress clearly meant this as authorization to go into Afghanistan and find Usama bin Laden. No one ever thought this authorized our government to wiretap American citizens in our own country without court approval.
Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle wrote an op-ed piece in the Dec. 23rd Washington Post detailing how the Bush administration proposed last minute language to the 9/11 resolution which would have given the president the power to engage in domestic spying without a search warrant, and that this language was specifically rejected by the bills’ authors.
And third, the modern technology argument is an interesting one but is not very persuasive. Congress in 1978 passed legislation permitting spying inside the United States under certain circumstances. That law created a special court that can respond within hours to a request for search warrants. And the law also contained an exception, permitting the Attorney General to authorize wiretaps in an emergency situation and then seek a warrant within 72 hours.
Frost then asks if Bush... Oh, he says it so well, and I never want to be accused of mangling words.
Does he simply want dictatorial powers? Does he so mistrust the court system (even a secret one specifically set up to make it easier to wiretap people inside the United States) that he doesn’t want any of the traditional checks on the power of the executive to violate basic civil liberties? Does he just want a political issue that makes him look tough and opponents (Democrats and some Republicans) look weak?
This is our country and this is our Constitution. Even if for some reason you like Bush, he has seriously abused the powers of the presidency. Don't tell me that I'm convicting him without a trial. What has Bush been doing? Here's the one question that you should ask yourself:
"The Bush administration simply cannot answer this one question - if time was of the essence, why didn't they conduct the searches and get the warrants after the fact, something that is allowed under the FISA law? They conducted the searches alright, but they never once sought the retroactive warrants."
Then join us, Bulldog, and the entire Impeach Bush Blog Coalition in taking these steps:
2. Send an email to all of these media folks and ask them "The Question."
3. Sign Senator Boxer's petition .
4. Contact your senator.
5. Contact your congressman.
6. Contact Congressman Pete Hoekstra too.
7. File a Freedom of Information Act request HERE.
8. Sign John Conyers' petition to censure and investigate impeachment.
9. Join the guerilla marketing campaign .
10. Make a donation to ImpeachPAC.
11. Join the Impeach Bush Coalition.
(Thanks to Redneck Mother for inspiring the list.)
Please read the articles in The Impeach Bush Coalition. More people and newspapers than you would imagine are joining us. Join with everybody at BIO, in calling for an impeachment hearing. It's the only way that we're going to ever learn anything unless Bush muzzles the prosecuter, and that's a possiblity that our Congress, and judical system won't allow. Why? We have an incredible Constitution and Bill of Rights. Nobody will allow that to be mocked.
We already know that Fitzgerald is incredible; he's the perfect antitode to Ken Starr and that mockery of an impeachment hearing.. Maybe lying about sex is a minor crime; but everything Bush has been doing is a high crime and misdemenor.
Let me end by saying that the only way 2006 can be a great year is by getting rid of Bush and all the Bushettes.
Personally I would like to thank everybody at BIO! for being so great; and Bulldog for beginning the Impeach Bush Coalition.
Let the lost children of New Orleans be found; New Orleans to be rebuilt quickly, and bring the troops home now, please. We don't belong in Iraq; it's the only way we can ensure their safety.
Peace in 2006.
Posted by Pia Savage at 12:01 AM in Current Affairs, Education, Politics, Religion, Science | Permalink
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I'm not commenting on the post but as I was reading it this song was on my iPod: Leave Mine To Me by Bad Religion a punk rock band. I think we can all take something from the lyrics, it just depends who the "you" and the "I" are:
Leave Mine To Me
there are desperate times upon us,
there are codes of white and black,
political resentment and people start to crack,
there's hate and opposition,
there's fumbling dialog,
yet you sit there and judge me
and you think it makes a difference
if you think I'm all alone you are foolishly wrong,
there's an entire army who blindly follow along,
and you happen to be one of them believe it or not,
even though you try not to be we are of the same plague
the other ways we're taught to fear,
don't even scratch the surface of the problem here,
I'm not blind, and I'm not scared,
so many crucial factors exist out there,
and we're but one, and they're bout two,
and how we come to terms will help us pull through
things cannot change too fast,
it took us this much time,
to reach our current platform and walk this fragile line,
if I thought I'd make a difference I'd kill myself today,
but so many are like me lost in the fray
you create your own reality,
and leave mine to me
Posted by: steve | Dec 29, 2005 2:06:18 AM
It's amazing to see steve agree with you Pia!!! That's awesome! I call that progress!
Posted by: The Bastard | Dec 29, 2005 4:25:22 AM
Good post, and great links. The rumble has begun.
Posted by: Jet | Dec 29, 2005 7:21:42 AM
Yup Yup and yes again Pia dear.
Posted by: cooper | Dec 29, 2005 9:18:11 AM
Hey Bastard...
Um... no... read it again... Think of it from my perspective.
I'm suprised you are not wondering why a Republican is listening to Bad Religion!
Posted by: Steve | Dec 29, 2005 11:01:01 AM
Well yeah I did wonder that and dismissed it. But c'mon dude they're loding cookies onto your computer if you vistited the NSA's site so that they can track you.
You don't find that anywhere near fucked up?
C'mon be human for once.
Posted by: The Bastard | Dec 29, 2005 11:07:06 AM
Um... don't go to the NSA website and then you don't have any worries. At least they fucking told us! You get cookies everydau but if the NSA does it, oh fuck, that's so un-American!
Your paranoia comes from all that THC. Push back from the bong dude. Get out of the hot box!
Posted by: Steve | Dec 29, 2005 11:15:27 AM
You liberals are funny, what would blog life be without you?
Peace, Snoop
Posted by: Snoop | Dec 29, 2005 3:50:54 PM
Uh Steve .... I got to say i thought that T-top was cool with the specs and the soul patch I was certain that this was a referece to Geddy Lee, Sorry if you got extra cookies but what do you expect from an agency who's soul purpose is ti gather information. information is never the enemy, its what you do with it that counts. if those that gathrt info ever envisioned tat it would be abusesed in the way that5 it has beebn do think that it wever would have seen the light of day?
Posted by: boyc | Dec 29, 2005 9:35:12 PM
Heh... Greg Graffin would probably kick Geddy Lee's ass in a fight and then they'd get all existential about biology over a few bottles of hooch.
Posted by: steve | Dec 29, 2005 11:33:55 PM
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