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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
We've decoded the DNA of dogs.
Dogs are the world's longest self-serving, ecologically reckless genetic experiment, perpetrated by the world's first genetically engineering species: us.
Or cruelty to animals? You decide. I just hope my dog never figures this out.
Posted by The Bastard at 08:00 AM in Sidebar | Permalink
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I dont know what you or I can do, but something definatley has to be done. I could not go to sleep last night after reading this. Id give anything to be in room with these pieces of shit. They have no respect for life over there especially for mans greatest companion.
Posted by: bushleaguer | Dec 14, 2005 9:55:48 AM
oh yeah ditch the Harley and get a Warrior.
I cant wait to pick up mine this spring.
Posted by: bushleaguer | Dec 14, 2005 9:59:25 AM
That's fucking disgusting! I'm definately writing a letter and I have some connections with breeders and dog groups that my wife signed our dog up with. I will definately get the word out on that one. Thanks.
Warrior, seen some totally chopped up at some bike shows, pretty nice bike but I'm sticking with the Harley. Would like to get a Triumph or an old Indian some day.
Posted by: The Bastard | Dec 14, 2005 10:08:50 AM
Thanks. That shit is ridiculous. I would love to have an old Chief someday too.
Posted by: bushleaguer | Dec 14, 2005 12:32:43 PM
They are great looking bikes! I know a couple of guys that have real old ones and they would kill if someone harmed them. But then again so would I.
Get your bike in the spring huh? Have fun and be safe! If you are in the NYC area let me know I'll meet up with you.
Posted by: The Bastard | Dec 14, 2005 12:44:59 PM
Dogs are here to serve man not the other way around. Do what you will with dogs, make them into fur coats, chop'em up and eat'em, use them for biomedical research...whatever! I never understood the dog thing, I guess the Arabs don't either, at least there is one thing I can see eye to eye with'em on...
Posted by: LiberPaul | Dec 14, 2005 1:22:53 PM
Well Paul, according to Christians everything is here to serve man so where do we draw the lines and become technologicaly more advanced that we don't need to use the Earths resources?
I draw the line at dogs and horses and we can then expand from there.
Some species should be spared. And the harvesting of animals for the fur only should be banned completely.
I think you are jerking my chain but hell give it a jerk, am I right?
C'mon we have no reason anymore for pelts to stay warm. I mean some cultures do but we are gonna allow the harvesting of dog fur to profit the fake fur trade?
Posted by: The Bastard | Dec 14, 2005 1:31:56 PM
I suppose we could outlaw breeding of anything but mongrels. You know, reintegrate the gene pool. We could just set them all free to breed among themselves as they would. They'd probably turn back into wolves, the ones that didn't starve because they weren't fed every day.
Posted by: Craig R. Harmon | Dec 14, 2005 2:12:16 PM
Partially jerking the chain.... I don't keep dogs as pets, but I don't really think we need to be chopping them up either. But the fact that we are upset about China's dog fur trade leads into a murky area if we fight against it. How long until a bunch of Hindus try to stop the same with Cows? They are, after all, a sacred animal....
Posted by: LiberPaul | Dec 14, 2005 2:16:55 PM
Well Paul I think you would change your tune if you heard the terror in their screams for help as their pride was being ripped off their bodies.
Posted by: bushleaguer | Dec 15, 2005 8:30:29 AM
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