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Friday, January 06, 2006

Sign Impeachment Petition

Congressman John Conyers needs our help!  He has started a petition to investigate Dear Leaders impeachable offenses.  Sign the petition today

Posted by LiberPaul at 09:38 AM in Sidebar | Permalink


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Where are the Deomcrats on this? The reason G. W. is getting away with all this is the Republicans are in control of both houses. Come next November, that is going to change. We just have to keep all this crap going on now is kept in front of the American people, a job that the Democrats should be shouting as loud as those Repbulicans did on Bill Clinton.

Posted by: Ted A Wirch, Jr | Jan 7, 2006 1:56:18 PM

It's all a pipe dream. Remember in 04 when you all said you all were going to win and ya didn't? I just loved tuning into Air America the next day. Smalley was gripping!!

"We just have to keep all this crap going on now is kept in front of the American people, a job that the Democrats should be shouting as loud as those Repbulicans did on Bill Clinton.

Great sentence!!

Posted by: Steve | Jan 7, 2006 7:32:19 PM

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