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Saturday, February 12, 2005

What's good for the goose......

Fox News February 11, 2005

The next time you hear a congressman or senator bashing Social Security reform, ask them this question: If the system's so great, why aren't you in it? They have choices in their retirement plan. They can pick from a variety of options: stocks, bonds, indexes. You name it, they have it. We don't. Is that right? Is that fair?

Then ask them this: If you like the Social Security system the rest of us mere mortals have, why don't you junk the system that you have. How many would do that? How many would risk that? Probably not many, because when push comes to shove, what they've got is better than what we've got. They know it. They just don't want you to know it. Look, there are plenty of ways to fix Social Security. Some things we'll sacrifice. But truth shouldn't be one of them.

So the next time you hear your congressman saying he's looking after your retirement, look at his. Then tell him to look in the mirror.

Anyone think this makes common sense?

Posted by The Bastard at 03:45 PM in TheChosenOne | Permalink


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What makes common sense is that NO ONE should be relying on the government to plan your retirement. Talk about the republicans high jacking a liberal idea. I thought the republicans were all about non-intrusive government.

I have an idea, why don't we scrap Social Security for everyone uner 40 and use the money to teach every child that won't be left behind about fiscal responsibility. If you look at the original SSI plan when it was created the plan was for Social security to progress to the point that the individual was saving their own money. Too many people out there think that this Social Security net is their retirement, whose fault is that? The same people that have the cushy retirement plans in government are the ones to blame. They just won't let it go because SSI is to politics what a big fat juicy steak is to German Shepard, politically its just to good to throw away.

Why just look at everyone today, everytime this shit is brought up it moves everyone into their respective camps to be filled with the bullshit from their respective party!!!!!

Posted by: Joy Ride | Feb 13, 2005 4:46:03 PM

There is a reason the rest of the developed world has a system the likes of SS. It is an absolute necessity. When you look at the statistics, you will see that the senior citizens in the US were among the Free World's poorest people before the comming of SS. The same was true of the disabled and displaced children, the Supplimental recipients of today (that's SSI, by the way). These groups are now among the world's most stable and secure.

It's all well and fine to encourage smart savings and investment. It's all well and fine to try to instill "responsibility" into the polity's sensibility. It's another thing entirely to expect results. The social Safety Net is there because prior experience has proved that optimism is not food, you can't live in a Positivist ideology, and you can't pay the bills with the mantra of Personal Responsibility.

But most of all, you have remember the impotace that led to to SS in the first place, the Great Depression. And the very entity that caused that depression (a heavily deregulated stock market) is where we are supposed to turn now? You can't always expect that just because you work hard, and are responsible, that you will wind up on top, or even at a survivable position. I am a Progressive Liberal. My mantra is simple: A Liberal is a person who is smart enough, and humble enough, to know that life is half luck and half what one makes of it.

Poeple's retirements are destroyed by forces outside of their control everyday, and with the past generation of deregulation and de-responsibility in the form of the Corporation-as-a-Human Being (I didn't steal the pension, the corporation did!), this will only continue and worsen. Take SS away, and walla! - The United States of Guatamala withing a couple generations.

Posted by: Jersey McJones | Feb 14, 2005 8:13:08 AM

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