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Saturday, March 12, 2005

A Brand Spanking New Site


A few of us from around the blogashpere have joined forces to bring you a new and fascinating site where we will be posting our most heart felt deepest feelings in all their true colors just so the neo cons and radical right fella's don't have to visit each one of our sites individually to call us stupid, silly, or childhood names. Thats not true, some of them use bigger words. But maybe, just maybe we might get some thought provocative discussions going and who knows we might become bunk buddies like Clinton and Bush Sr.. So if you are ready for the challenge, come on over and bring it on!

Posted by The Bastard at 06:00 PM in The Bastard | Permalink


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Wow! This is cool. I will definately check it out!

Posted by: Ticklebug | Mar 13, 2005 12:56:32 AM

Came through BlogXchng....will pass back through to see what's going on...

Posted by: andrena | Mar 13, 2005 1:36:31 AM


I was there in the midst
of the battle the midst
of the storm in all of
its fury I kept you from

Through the eons of time
I hid you in the shadow
of my wings in my secret
place my pavillion.

If it wasn't a soldier
it was a helpless child a
forgotten senior an abused
wife a homeless person crying
in the night and all dressed
up and no where to go.

Josette Marie Louise Lager

Posted by: Josette Lager | Feb 19, 2006 8:16:08 PM

Poem,(Is That All There Is Peggy Lee?

Bullet proof and ten feet tall,
they think they are at the very
least,this goliath this hydra,
this very ugly beast.Is that
all there is Peggy Lee? We
were freedom fighters we
fought the good fight, like
a friend who sticketh closer
than a brother,the mother of
invention and intervention and
we shall surrender never.

Now we got a new kind of beast
and I the raven shall give the
quote to you, goodbye to the
blonde beast of WW2.

The new disquise is wrapped up
in black garb wielding a bloody
sword,they dance all together in
one accord.

They remind me of the black magicians
I've seen on the telly,illusionists
by name seeking infamous fame and
murder for hire is their game.
Is that all there is Peggy Lee?
Is that all there is my friend?Then
lets keep dancing.

Josette Marie Louise Lager

Posted by: Josette Lager | May 4, 2006 1:36:24 PM

More and more I'm amazed to see
how little now amazes me

Posted by: Josette Lager | Jun 29, 2009 11:47:52 AM

Josette Lager here,I posted
a poem here yesterday,where
the hell is it? The poem is
called My Friend Ebony

Posted by: Josette Lager | Jun 30, 2009 10:41:58 AM

more and more I'm amazed o see
how little now amazes me.

Posted by: Josette Lager | Jul 4, 2009 2:44:24 PM

more and more I'm amazed to see
how little now amazes me

Posted by: Josette Lager | Jul 4, 2009 2:46:28 PM

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