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Saturday, March 19, 2005

A Question for the Terri Fan Club

Did you ever think that maybe God sent for Terri 15 years ago and all you rightwing, Bible humping fucknuts are just meddling in divine will?

You go against science when officials say stem cell research will possibly save thousands of lives because you all believe that would be "playing God." But,  you all "play God" and back science up every time you force the feeding tube back into this lady.

Yeah, that's right, she is alive only by the miracle of science and not the hand of God. She's alive because all you Bible cock stars have personal agenda's. You will defend her because you say she is defenseless but your the first to pull the switch on retards and minors because they did something wrong. They might not understand what they did wrong but Fuck'um, pull the switch! You can't have it both ways, either defend everyone or keep quiet. Your intentions are meaningless if you don't defend everyone. Are we not all Gods children? Or does that only apply when you want someone to send in a check?

Posted by The Bastard at 06:01 PM in The Bastard | Permalink


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Good points. Congress had a special session, Bush left the ranch early, it bumped anything Michael Jackson did today - mass hysteria.

Posted by: Tina D. | Mar 20, 2005 6:42:27 AM

Its funny you say "mass" hysteria. It is Sunday you know!

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 20, 2005 9:38:33 AM

I am not understanding your point. Support stem cell research or let Terri starve to death over a two week period?

"But, you all "play God" and back science up every time you force the feeding tube back into this lady."

The Jewish and Christian religions generally feel that suicide is wrong. That is not playing G-d by wanting to save her. That is their religion. Feeding a person is not playing G-d.

"Yeah, that's right, she is alive only by the miracle of science and not the hand of God."

How do you figure? How is science keep her alive? As far as I know the only science she is recieving is a feeding tube. She is not in a coma or on a respirator. If I am wrong please correct me. I haven't looked into that point in the past.

"Your intentions are meaningless if you don't defend everyone."

Defend her from what? I am not sure what you are refering to here.

Posted by: gindy | Mar 20, 2005 2:24:26 PM

Hey guys, this should BE a "left vs. right" issue! Of COURSE it's murder based upon hearsay by her hubby is what it is. Hey man, we're the "libs" and "libs" are supposed to be sticking up for the weak, meak and mild of our society, not KILL them. It's the Nazis who want to exterminate the so-called "useless" in our society.

Posted by: Airmans Blog | Mar 20, 2005 3:17:16 PM

I live in Tampa Bay, and this all got played out - in almost the exact same way - at the state level last year. The change of "science is good - it helps us save lives" to "science is bad - it lets us play god" doesn't take very long for some people. (As you said, just change the subject to stem-cells.)

Of course on the other side of the isle we have "you can't smoke, use hate speech, discriminate in marriage,... it is bad for you/us/them - and we can tell you how to run your life" (substitute whatever do-gooder crusade is up next) to "government shouldn't interfere in these private decisions about life and death."

As I said, I lost patience with this whole thing a year ago. Everybody has an axe to grind, most people are hiding the truth about some part of their motivation.

Posted by: Zendo Deb | Mar 20, 2005 10:46:49 PM

o.k. Bastards...Leaving all your bullshit aside. You state, "all you rightwing, Bible humping fucknuts."

What again was the Senate's vote? 50-0 if I recall right. I'm assuming what you are saying is the Senate is compromised of 50 Republician Senator's right?

And if I recall from the vote in Congress last night 203-58. I guess what you, Bastard, are saying is that all 203 votes were religious right wing bible thumper's?

NO, this case never should have made it to the Senate or to Congress. BUT BASTARD, represent the facts!!!! Not misleading FUCKING BULLSHIT you make up!!!! It was REPUBLICAN'S AND DEMOCRAT'S that made this case an issue. NOT JUST right wingers. You stupid shit!!!!

Posted by: TheChosenOne | Mar 21, 2005 9:37:52 AM

Give the facts? What facts, the fact that they even voted is an infringement on state rights? The fact that the evangelicalchristianrightbiblehumpingfucktwatssuckingcumeatingshallowminedballstarholybydaydrinkandfuckbynightdoasIsaynotasIdo right are pushing their own agenda. The fact that ALL politicians suck?

What facts to you want. Pull the tube and let her die enough playing this nice tap toeing its a sensitive subject bullshit.

Cut and dry, get the GOD DAMN government out of personnal affairs!

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 21, 2005 12:52:39 PM

"The fact that ALL politicians suck?"

On that sentence we can agree.

Posted by: gindy | Mar 21, 2005 8:11:35 PM

Gindy - See, we do have middle ground between us. :-)

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 21, 2005 8:16:57 PM

ahhh ... in a sea of sharks and madness ... a voice of clarity and truth.

thank you Bastard, thank you!

Posted by: Raven | Mar 22, 2005 9:41:59 AM

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