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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Did Political Correctness Cause 9/11?

I don't think so. A report released by MSNBC today details a recently declassified document about Michael Tuohey, a former "ticket agent" of US Airway, and his suspicions of Mohammed Atta as he hurried through the Portland International Jetport to rendezvous with the other terrorists responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Over at the Captain's Quarter Captain Ed commented on this report by saying that political correctness caused 9/11. This couldn't be farther from the truth, it might have been a reaction of the "ticket agent" to suspect Atta but a "ticket agent" isn't given nearly the amount of training in profiling that a security agent might get at the TSA.

I have highlighted "ticket agent" because Captain Ed keeps referring to Michael Tuohey as a security agent and as such should have acted on his suspicions because of the training he would have received if Michael was in fact a security agent. But, Michael Tuohey was not a security agent he was just a plain old "ticket agent" trained to check passports and smile.

I personally wish that Mike had been a security agent because then maybe he would have had the additional training in profiling and would have acted on his gut feeling. The events of 9/11 could have been stopped many of times prior to the hijackers entering the airport and it seems a little far stretched to place the final outcome square on the shoulders of political correctness.   

Posted by The Bastard at 01:44 AM in The Bastard | Permalink


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My Uncle Michael Tuohey has been reffered to as the man who could of changed history!! How Iresponsible of the media!!!You are right about the fact that these employees are not trained in the area of security!!people look angry everyday!! but does that mean we can deny them a seat on a plane or bus or train!!! If michael was taking tickets at greyhound and had a feeling.... please leave him alone , we know who is really responsible, the trained and educated in the field of terrorism.

Posted by: Christine Tuohey | Mar 24, 2005 9:18:52 AM

It is not the fault of any one person or people, except those who were invilved in the terrorist actions. Do any of you have any idea just how many warning and threats come into this country EVERYDAY? Poor Mike had a gut feeling, and just like this society tells us to do, he suppressed it....that is what we are taught to do, suppress any ill or negative feeling about any "non-american". So, please, everyone stop blaming and start looking at what we can do to help ensure that this will not happen again. Michael Tuohey was doing his job, it was not up to him to stop these fools, and it is not his fault they committed these acts.

Posted by: Courtenay | Sep 12, 2006 12:40:44 AM

this is:


Posted by: Bill | Nov 14, 2007 7:48:08 PM

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