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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Medical Terrorism????

Did I miss something or did Al-Qaeda actually infiltrate a Florida hospice?

"House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) called the removal of the feeding tube "barbarism" and "an act of medical terrorism."

Posted by The Bastard at 06:10 AM in The Bastard | Permalink


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Tom Delay is such a hoser.

I personally dislike the whole tube removal idea. We dispose of serial killers more humanely. Hell, we end the suffering of domestic animals more humanely. Give this poor woman a shot and let her go in peace.

That's how I want them to handle me when I try to file bankruptcy in a few years...

Posted by: Jet | Mar 22, 2005 4:21:58 PM

I agree with Jet. A much more humane way would be to inject a little something in her and let her go to sleep. We wouldn't want people to die peacefully and painless though. Then we would have to say that euthanasia is acceptable in some cases

Posted by: Me4President | Mar 22, 2005 7:56:47 PM

Ironically these are the same type of people that made euthenasia illegal which is causing Terri to die like this. These people, in a sick twisted way are obsessed with death not living.

Posted by: The Bastard | Mar 22, 2005 8:14:20 PM

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